How To Delete All Your Comments On YouTube

It’s an exaggeration to say that YouTube Comments are bad in general. Where many tend to see it as a place that contains only offensive, harsh, useless and containing words. a lot of bullying

If you’re lucky, it’s possible to have valuable discussions on YouTube. Find thoughtful or poignant discussions of videos you enjoy. Some channels have a dedicated community of enthusiastic commenters.

But it’s very easy to get into pointless arguments on this platform. It is likely that you will come across people arguing in bad faith. It is difficult to avoid violent language. There are also a lot of marketing bots that leave irrelevant comments.

In general, it is not surprising that many people are annoyed by YouTube comments. If this is the case for you, you may want to delete all your comments on this platform. or if your content creator , you can delete comments that others have left on your channel.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

So let’s face it, we’ve all made some embarrassing comments on YouTube videos, which we don’t take much pride in growing up. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t provide an easy way to delete all your comments in bulk, and luckily, there is a workaround that doesn’t require you to delete all your comments one by one manually. Let’s see how.

Delete your comments on YouTube

Before we start, let’s see the official way to delete a comment on YouTube. Simply, open  YouTube  And click on ” registration In the sidebar, select the option التعليقات as the registration type. Alternatively, you can use this link  To open the comments page directly.

Here you can take a look at all your comments and responses. Find the comment or reply you want to delete -> click the plus button -> and select the option to delete. That’s it, your comment and any replies to that comment will be deleted.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

But there is no option to delete your comments multiple times on YouTube.

Delete all your comments on YouTube

If you want to remove all comments, you must temporarily hide your channel. It will hide your channel name, videos, likes, playlists and subscriptions seen by others. You can re-enable it later once the process is complete. Hiding your channel does not affect anyone google services Or even YouTube. But unlike other changes, your comments will be permanently removed, which is what we wanted.

To hide the channel, open  YouTube  , click on the profile picture on the top right corner -> click on settings -> advanced settings -> delete channel -> enter the Google password and click on “I want to hide my channel  “.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

Once you click on settings, Google will show you what will happen once the channel is hidden. Select each option and click the button. hide my channel And again click on Hide my content in the popup window. That’s it for your channel to be hidden.

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How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

You should give Google a few minutes to a few hours to remove all your comments. You can check it from the  التعليقات option . Unlike other changes, YouTube is considering removing comments permanently because hidden and unhidden comments make the platform more complex.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

Once you delete all your comments, you can open  YouTube  and by clicking on Profile picture -> Settings And under YouTube channel section, tap on  Create channel . Now just click  Create Channel  on the popup window. You may see an option called Use a company or another name, don’t click on it because you don’t want to create a new channel.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

There you go, you’re back to normal and all your comments have been deleted. You must make all your videos public again; otherwise, you can easily make them public from YouTube Studio.

Remove other people’s comments on your videos

Just like deleting your comments, deleting other people’s comments on your video is also simple. Just open the video that contains the comment. Once you find the comment, click the plus button and click  Delete  to delete this comment.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

If you don’t like comments from a particular person, you can click on “ Hide channel user” . This will block the user, which means that although they will be able to comment on your video, no one else will be able to see it. You can hide the comments from him without him knowing that you did it.

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How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

You can control all of this further by going to  YouTube Studio  -> Settings -> Community -> Add Comment Filters . You can block specific words, block specific people, or only approve specific people.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

If you want to block comments for a specific video, please open this video in  YouTube Studio  -> More options And go to the options below. In the Comments and rating section, change the option to view the comment from “ Allow all comments ” to my “ Disable Comments ” or “ Comment comments for review ”.

How to delete all your comments on YouTube - Instructions

There is no way to block comments for all videos, you have to open each video and change the settings on the spot individually.


Deleting comments will also automatically delete their replies, but deleting replies will not delete subsequent replies you’ve flagged. Thus, you will have full control over the comments and videos, although things are a bit tricky.

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